Rondy Readiness and Wish List

Getting ready to leave for the Rendezvous? We have a couple of last minute things to let you know. The first is a brief orientation to the Seeds of Peace kitchen protocols concerning  food allergies. The second is a wish list of items (mostly food) that we could use if you have the ability to acquire and transprot them.

1) Greetings to all activists with food allergies:

Well, you’re packing for the Rondy, eh? Got your tent, sleeping bag, mosquito net…hmmm…don’t forget those snacks.  We at Seeds of Peace are cooking a minimum of two meals a day for the week of the Rendezvous and we strive to provide allergen free food options for activists allergic to gluten, soy, dairy and nuts…. but it’s impossible to prepare for every allergy. 60% or more of our food is donated and you know we don’t have much control over what people give us! So please bring snacks that you can rely on in case of emergency.  If your food allergy is life threatening, bring your own food for the event. Do not put your life in our hands! We work with several volunteer cooks every meal and there is no guarantee that someone didn’t miss-label a bulk ingredient or mix up the wheat bread sandwiches with the rice bread. We do our best but we are not perfect.

When you get to camp, don’t forget to come by the kitchen and talk with one of our food allergy coordinators. This Rondy, ask for Sarah or Garlic. Please, do not give your information to a volunteer. We need to meet you face to face so we can remember who you at the meal servings.

Safe travels and we will see you soon!

2) Wish List

-Fresh Produce (esp., potatoes, garlic, onion, carrots, beets, cabbage, and other less-perishable items)
-bulk grains, legumes, etc.
-canned food
-nutritional yeast
-really, any food items you can get your hands on
-tools (shovels, chainsaws, etc.)
-art/sign- & banner-making materials

About nref

Our heart is deep in direct action to lay ourselves on the line in defense of the wild lands that remain. Deep ecology means that every wild area has a right to exist and be defended especially when it is unable to defend itself from the greedy scum that runs and ruins our world.
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